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IPER MBA 2025 Admission


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    IPER MBA Batch 2022-24

    Campus Placements at a Glance

    Student Achievers

    Life @ IPER


    IPER @ MAWE – SWEEP International Summit 2022

    IPER Group of Institutions would like to congratulate the students of IPER-MBA for the Phenomenal work done by them during the International Summit i.e., SWEEP 2022 an event by MAWE (Madhya Pradesh Association of Women Entrepreneurs) IPER was the one of the prestigious Knowledge Partner of the International event, and the students of IPER-MBA were…...

    Pre & Post Budget Analysis at IPER MBA – 2022

    “Union Budget” The Most awaited as well as watched event of India, which is prepared and presented by Government of India every year, gets Discussed, Analysed and Understood at IPER every year by none other than the Person who understands and speaks the “Rupiya Language” Dr. Amarjeet Singh Khalsa – Group Director, IPER Group of…...

    Workshop on Digital Marketing at IPER MBA

    “Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other” and in its efforts of Creating Future Leaders since 1996, IPER has always strived towards providing “Application and future ready based learning” for the betterment of its Management Graduates. The Next Learning Chapter in the life of IPERians is in the form of practical based learning i.e.,…...

    MBA Student’s Art and Culture Club “Tarang”

    IPER-MBA 25th Batch Students rejuvenated themselves in truly IPERian style when they participated in “Tarang” the Cultural Mega Fest organized by IPER-MBA Students Arts and Culture Club. The student Coordinators of IPER-MBA Art and Culture Club organized the whole show for their colleagues as they made them participate in various artistic events like Fashion Show,…...

    MBA Student’s Health & Wellness Club “IPER Sports Carnival”

    Congratulations to all the Participants and Winners of IPER Health and Wellness Club Sports Carnival 2021 held in IPER MBA Campus today!! The full-day Sports Carnival was held in the IPER Campus today, which included several track & field events, Indoor and Outdoor Sports Competitions in which students from MBA Batch 2021-23 participated with great…...

    Academic Outreach Initiative of IPER #4

    The Fourth Chapter of AOII (Academic Outreach Initiative of IPER) Series of IPER MBA featured Prof. Satyajit Majumdar, Dean, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Prof. Majumdar delivered a talk on “Management Concepts & Practices” exclusively for the students of IPER-MBA. IPER since 1996 has always strived towards providing…...

    Our Flagship Events


    The Prestigious International Event



    This flagship event of TEDx – well known for its global theme and participation of eminent social and corporate personalities, was held in IPER in 2019, and will continue post-pandemic era.

    TEDx is a global movement devoted to bringing Ideas Worth Spreading to communities around the Globe through independently-organized TED-like events. The Theme of IPER’s First TEDx Event was “Aspirations Meet Inspirations” and was held on October 01, 2019.



    The National Management Convention



    The flagship event of IPER and well known for its contemporary themes and participation of eminent corporate personalities.

    VISAGE has become a well known platform of learning and interaction and to reach out to professionals, academicians and students fraternity.