Psychometric Assessment Test – 21st Century Tool

Psychometric Assessment Test – 21st Century Tool

Psychometric is the measurement of the mind. It uncovers unlike facets such as education, skills, experience, appearance and punctuality, the behavioral traits and personality of a candidate. These facets are otherwise, difficult to assess in an interview. Therefore, many employers are adopting psychometric assessment as an additional component of a wider , integrated evaluation strategy.  The recruitment process, these days have become much better  in terms of overall evaluation of a candidate. Now employers, can gauge the future performance of a candidate and improve employee retention by making successful hiring decisions- courtesy Psychometric Assessment Test.

The architecture of psychometric tests is well structured and can measure the different aspects of a person such as ability, personality etc. Psychometric tests typically consist of numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and diagrammatic reasoning tests and each one of them serves a well-defined purpose, for example;

  1. Numerical Reasoning tests a candidate’s ability to deal with numbers quickly and accurately. The questions revolve around ratios, percentages, cost analysis, sales analysis, rates, trends, currency conversions etc.
  2. Verbal Reasoning tests  a candidate’s comprehension rather than his vocabulary or fluency. The focus is on the ability to think constructively.
  3. Situational Judgment Tests (SJT s), usually employed for freshers to test  how they approach situations encountered in the workplace. These tests are very common initial screening method  used by employers seeking freshers.
  4. Diagrammatic reasoning tests the logical reasoning ability of a candidate. Its about how a candidate infers from a flowchart or sequence of diagrams.

Candidates Perspective: How to prepare ?

The first suggested step would be to go through the position description or job advertisement – as it holds the clue to the type of psychometric assessment you can expect. Being good at maths or fluent in English doesn’t mean that you will blitz the psychometric Test.  Remember, psychometric tests are designed in a unique way to measure abstract, verbal and numerical reasoning skills.

Jotting down a few suggestions, that would be handy in doing well in psychometric tests:

Practice the Psychometric Tests online and there are plenty of free sites offering the practicing test.  These tests would help and train your brain to identify frameworks for solving problems. Almost every psychometric tests are administered online. Test yourself online with the expected type of psychometric test because the test questions change on the basis of the job you are applying for.

Set a strategy for time and milestones – all the psychometric tests are timed. The best strategy would be to the answer to a question, go on to complete others. If you find it harder, skip it and go on to others. If you have time left, you can revisit the harder questions.

Practice reading habits, more and more of readings is always helpful and that too industry specific information relevant to the job you are applying for.

Personality tests can be a trap. Some candidates try to project themselves as overly positive – and psychometric tests are designed to indicate whether you portrayed yourself or being genuine. Be yourself and use this test section to highlight your set of strengths.

In conclusion,

The key to success remains practice and preparation. Online resources are plenty – if you want to prepare and practice. You need to devote time and work around smartly. Practicing frequently – is always going to boost your confidence while facing an interview.