
business school

Roadmap & Primer :Education Mapping

People crucial to the creation of a education mapping: the faculty who would be instrumental in implementing /monitoring and the students  who would have to inculcate/imbibe the outcome. In continuation, a workshop on “Mapping & Alignment of Management Education for Effective Corporate Placements” was held for (& by) MBA Students. Date: 6th  & 7th Mar […]

By admin | Blogs

Personal Effectiveness : Take Initiative & Leap towards Success !

Imperative, it is for management students to enhance their soft skills and personal effectiveness. Participation in various activities that helps to communicate in front of everybody and boost their self-confidence is must. English language skills are a must but also the same goes with presentation skills, listening skills, Business etiquettes, Mannerisms, Interview skills and Resume […]

By Ravi Chatterjee | Blogs

Modern Project Management Essentials

Gone are the days when managing a project meant that we got to have the skills to plan the tasks, manage teams, track progresses and handle complex situations. Today, we need to know a few project management software tools, because the modern world is information savvy and these software tools are capable of generating a lot of […]

By admin | Blogs

Dual Degree Course in Management

AICTE has introduced a new dual degree programme in their nomenclature with an intake of 60 seats. This five year dual degree course in management will lead to, Bachelors Degree in Management (BM) or Bachelors Degree in Applied Management (BAM) and Master Degree in Applied Management (MAM). The course shall provide an undergraduate degree in […]

By Prof. Dharini Raje Sisodia | Blogs

Prof. Bibek Debroy’s Perspectives on Indian Economy

IBEF Exclusive Interview on Indian Economy with Prof. Bibek Debroy, Centre for Policy Research & former Chairman, IPER-PGDM Executive Council. Observing the environment he quoted “Potentially, India has the possibility of very high rates of GDP growth… There is no particular reason why India should not be growing at around 8 per cent.”  Mentioning the […]

By Prof. Rahul Choubey | Blogs

Finance Club – PGDM Trim II

Finance club aims to cater a wide variety of finance-related interests via games/quizzes/skits and non traditional mechanisms where students with interest in finance– whether it is Investment Banking, Investment Management, Venture Capital/Private Equity, or Corporate Finance etc. participate.  The areas keep changing…. but fun and learning remains the same. The round up of finance club […]

By Prof. Dharini Raje Sisodia | Blogs