Experience at College Events  :-)

Experience at College Events :-)

Well, believe it or not, management fests/ college events in B-schools, a good place or event to participate in various activities to learn something about the world of work. The event has to be organized using a systematic method and getting tremendous exposure in interpersonal skills, team spirit, time management and delegating. Organizing also involves planning and logistical process. Dealing with people from the industry, corporate, seniors helps us in developing our networking skills and by talking to them about different things we learn practically. The event gives an opportunity to meet new friends and have a blast experience at college events. It gives a close look of-

  • how to invite guests: this is an exciting work to invite some personalities for your event to make it more successful and get a chance to interact with them.
  • how to approach sponsors: getting sponsors for your event is a difficult task, it is more of marketing and negotiating with sponsors can get difficult.
  • how to come up with the new brand: what brand we need in our festival and how we should come up with new brand ideas.
  • maintaining good relations with media and partners: media partners like FM Radio, Print Media, Posters etc are important to promote the event to get more traffic.
  • how to invite or attract other colleges: it is important to invite students of different colleges and make them participate in your event. Faculty and students coordinators visit other colleges in view of meeting students and telling them about the event.

It’s all a great learning experience. Managing the crowd at this event is also a major task. Apart from coordinating or organizing the event, participation is also important. Students not just participate they learn, they win and the leadership skills they show or measurable roles they play that makes a difference and it gives participants the exposure to the real world work experience.. There’s another benefit one can get by involving in a fest or a group event is how to work in a team. It builds a new confidence and skills of every upcoming manager i.e., “WE”.

Having a blast at a college fest and enjoyment has given a new definition to the MBA. And take my word – the skills, knowledge and learning we get out of them is more meaningful.