RISE Season 3 – Literary and Knowledge

RISE Season 3 – Literary and Knowledge

Education and Competition are the two most significant factors for all the cultures of human. In fact, these are able to enhance the person’s capability and skills. We are always considered these two ingredients as an important issue for our growth. It is not a surprising fact, that literary and knowledge are closely related. There are two ways to see education and competition –

First one is the natural process for students to compete and understand that it should be used for education purpose. Another one is, Competition is found so significant in college student’s life. Our society especially provide skills their young to compete and make a bright future. Therefore. We are conducting a challenge in Literary and Knowledge Category in which – Debate, Extempore, Blind Drawing, and Fizzy.

Why Literary and Knowledge Challenge?

It’s all about skills improvement and enhancement Competition where individuals can present themselves by their speaking skills, presentation skills and many more. It plays a very interesting role that helps to motivate the students to perform, enhance and offer so many rewards rather than just a winning prize. This kind of challenge provides a way to gain generous experience, analyze and calculate the results. As well as, uncover the personal attitude that hides your strengths.

Debate and Extempore also encourage students to accept new and innovative procedures and develop their skills and ideas.

What have you done to challenge yourself intellectually?

Well , you must have done many times – and you should keep doing it again and again. It should be a constant overriding theme in your life.  Days, years and months will pass – and the most important thing that you would for sure ask yourself would be – what’s the thing lately I did thats worth remembering?

Whether you accomplished your goals or not – thats not important. But important it is to seek ways to do things better in all areas of your life.  Kaizen – a japanese word explains it all i.e  Progress and ultimate success come to those who train and keep training.

Reject the idea of being good enough. Challenge yourself to be committed to excellence.

So, before we wind off,

Grab the challenge offered by the Literary and Knowledge Challenge !!

Its for those who want to showcase their skills @RISE 2017 Season 3. Connect us to participate in our Annual Fest of Undergraduate Students via http://www.iper.ac.in/rise. Interested candidates can check the latest information about the variety of contests on our official Facebook Page – http://www.facebook.com/IPERUGRise .