RISE 2017 – Technology & Gaming

RISE 2017 – Technology & Gaming

RISE 2017 is just a few weeks more.  So prepare for a new way of learning, a new way of networking, a new way of engaging with gaming’s pre-eminent thought leaders. These days , gaming is for serious pursuit of knowledge. It has made its way to the formal classroom environment – and its been effective so far. And RISE Season 3 packs various technology games such as – LAN Car Race competition, Online Scavenger Hunt competition, Next Best Technology and Selfie Contest.

While it may seem that college students who are involved in playing a game during class time or their study time may not be learning, there are inherent qualities in a well-planned game that can increase motivation and engagement, along with improved cognition.

So, all you undergraduate students – we invite you to participate in the event. For more details, visit http://www.iper.ac.in/rise.

There have been many discussions and debates as to whether  online gaming is good or bad . Some believe that online gaming increases aggression and addiction. Some research even shows that online games may have an effect on social development, self-esteem, social inadequacy, and social anxiety. However, it has also been established that it depends on the number of hours you put in. Gaming is only good when in moderation – up to 10 hours per week.

Online multi-player games involve thousands of players playing together as a team.  As gamers team together to complete missions within the game, teamwork concepts such as communication skills, leadership, coordination, negotiation and other similar qualities come to the fore.

The use of technology to improve the design and content of games such that it engages students productively and make the learning process meaningful. This annual event serves a platform for gamers to showcase talent and skills in gaming activities. RISE 2017 handpicks games thats are of interest to undergraduates and holds some learning experience to the students.

Selfie‘ is a craze and social networks are full of selfies of friends, relatives. Brands are fast cashing in this craze and these days incorporate it in their campaigning efforts. Love them or hate them, selfies are here for now!

So, Selfie Contest @ RISE 2017 just for those who love them.

We hope this event will provide an opportunity to explore different tools from around College.  Looking forward to see you on 17th & 18th of Feb 2017.