CMTP – Management Case Simulation Workshop

CMTP – Management Case Simulation Workshop

Teachers interested in involving their students more fully in classroom discussion have found that case studies can provide a rich basis for developing students’ problem-solving and decision making skills. Case method teaching usually associated with business schools, immerses students into realistic business situations — which includes incomplete information, time constraints, and conflicting goals.

Recently (CMTP) was organized for MBA – I Semester students. Course facilitators, Prof. Mahesh Soni & Prof. (Dr.) Hersh Sharma detailed the preparation thats expected of the students for such workshops. IPER follow ‘CASE-METHOD’ at as an effective approach for training its students. This is purely a learning based on active participation and cooperative or democratic discussion of a situation faced by a group. Case method mainly comprises of:

  1. Case base teaching
  2. Movies Analysis
  3. Simulation Exercises

The workshop focused on the utility of CMTP sessions wherein the students gain the opportunity to assume the role of a key decision maker in a business organization, developing their analytical skills, understanding the interrelationships of various functional areas of business and enabling them to develop valuable skills in time management, group problem solving, creativity and organization.

How does the workshop proceed ?

The case method workshop focuses not only on the content of the case, but also on the process of analysis and evaluation.   Course Facilitator may take charge at this point and offer an assessment of the case, or they can ask the students themselves to pull together the various strands of the discussion.
And to get the most out of this kind of class discussion, course facilitators offer feedback on the discussion itself , and on how they saw the group interact and progress.

Case Methods: Can they replace lectures ?

Case methods, for sure help the students take much more responsibility for their own learning. However, cases a cannot replace lectures. Further, cases cannot be not always appropriate for introductory level  classes, a good deal of back-ground knowledge is needed to be able to adequately interpret and resolve a case.