Corporate Mostra – An IPERPGDM Initiative

Corporate Mostra – An IPERPGDM Initiative

corporate_mostra_2015_BProfessionals sometimes need to press pause for a little re-invent, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Mechanical life is destined to shoot up the stress and thus affects the productivity.

Corporate Mostra – lets you have a day off with the goal to keep the stress level down to a productive level and not let it get to a point where it starts to hurt.

Launched this year, Corporate Mostra is destined to be a day full of fun for corporate attendees from various companies. Mostra attendees come from a wide range of industries and here is a sample of the events that as industry professionals you might run into at our annual event:

corporate_mostra_2015_dartThe Dart
About: This is a very basic form of object targeting game in which the participant would have to puncture the balloons put on a spinning wheel.

Blind Throw
About: This game will test for not only the aiming but also concentration as the participants will have to put a ball into a basket without seeing.

Coin Game
About: This game is intended towards testing the patience of the participants who will have to showcase thoughtful aiming skills.

corporate_mostra_2015_teamworkHelium Ring Balance
About: This game will help the participants to execute team skills to balance the given ring.

Balance the ball on the thread
About: This game will check for balancing capability of the participants.

Draw the object right
About: This game will test for communication and interpretation skills of the participants.

corporate_mostra2015_lightsTry your luck
About: This game will give the equal possibility to each team to score points as the conditions will be tested on the spot.

Structure Design by playing cards
About: This game will try out the patience and coordination between the members of the teams participating.

Tunnel Crossing
About: This game will help the participants to execute team skills to balance the given ring.

corporate_mostra2015_momentsImage Identification from Collage
About: This game will test for knowledge and recalling ability of the participants.

Presence of Mind
About: This game will test for mental alertness and sensing capability for the participants.

Guess the Age
About: This game will test for mental alertness and guessing capability for the participants.



All this concluded with refreshing music.   

See you next year with more fun and fresh innovative games, be prepared to kick back & relax at Corporate Mostra -2016


Corporate Mostra 2015 in Media:
Pre-Event Coverage by Dainik Bhaskar , April 13, 2015 .. [Follow Link]



Snaps @ Corporate Mostra 2015

Merin Mathai (PGDM 2014-16) , behind the lenses, captured the moods beautifully,  though difficult but we handpicked a few that shall surely go down our memory lanes…….


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